Ballerina Music Box

Ballerina Music Box Sugar Art

The theme of Music automatically brought to mind a beautiful music box I was given as a child. On winding the key, the ballerina figurine turned slowly and came to a stop as the music stopped. This box is a reminder of how we need to continue to turn our own keys in order to keep the dance that is our lives in motion.

I placed her on a sugar creation of a vintage music box to remind me of the beauty of all the valued memories of my childhood. It was a perfect musical ending to receive a Silver, 2nd Place Award in the Intermediate Sugar Art Section for her at the Hostex 2018 – SACDG Competition 2 weeks ago.

Ballerina Music Box Sugar Art

As the Hostex 2018 opened its doors at Gallagher Estate this year, we were treated to an array of delectable treats, new products and everything else related to food and drink catering. The South African Cake Decorators Guild hosted their competition with all entries both cake and sugar art falling into the theme of music. Every entry portrayed a unique meaning within the theme for each decorator and it was interesting to see so many varied interpretations of the theme. Thank you to Hostex and SACDG, the judges and all the sponsors for giving us a platform to show our passion for decorating.


Ballerina Music Box Sugar Art

My figurine’s petite body, I modelled using Saracino Modelling Paste, once again just love the paste for modelling figurines. I dressed her in a delicate pink tutu adorned with patterns of Crystal Candy Lace. I was so excited to be the first to use this new Bas Relief Mould from Crystal Candy and the detail of the leaves, lace and hearts created the perfect finish to my vintage music box. Thank you Ray for letting me use this mould and can’t wait for the release of these totally awesome new Bas Relief Moulds!

Ballerina Music Box Sugar ArtBallerina Music Box Sugar ArtBallerina Music Box Sugar Art

3 thoughts on “Ballerina Music Box

  1. Pingback: Music Box with Crystal Candy Bas Relief Mould | cupcakes2delite

  2. She is absolutely gorgeous! Congrats on your win. Please can you let me know where you purchase your Saracino modelling paste? TIA


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